Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sharpie + digital + cynicism

What was that I was saying before about unnecessary blasphemy? I need to start playing with different themes...

Digital collage and other indulgences

Seems like half my work lately has been salvaging lost pieces. This one is the original octo-christ, I actually started it long before the illustration I posted, but abandoned it at some point when I couldn't figure out how to finish it in an interesting way. It's all digital collage with some heavy cleanup. Growing up with religion in my family has left me semi-obsessed with Christian iconography, and I'm a sucker for the apocalyptic aesthetics.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

More apocalypse monkeys

I drew these monkeys like 2 years ago and was just never satisfied with a final composition/treatment for them. After a lot of indecision and finally some good advice from Lookah, this is how it turned out. It's just slightly more derivative of a certain popular artist than I would like, but whatever, it's fun to indulge sometimes.

Monday, May 3, 2010

...and behold the octo-christ

Almost entirely analog this time, with a little bit of texture added digitally.